Class Description

Baby-Proof Your Relationship

Navigating changes in your relationship after baby arrives is an often-overlooked aspect of the journey to parenthood. You may have gone into parenthood thinking that your relationship would withstand the normal changes after birth or perhaps that having a baby would bring you and your partner closer. Or perhaps you did not think much about it at all! But it’s very common for couples to struggle after having kids. This class will help you and your partner:

  • Experience deeper friendship and intimacy. 
  • Learn tools to navigate common challenges couples face after baby.
  • Feel less stressed.
  • Cultivate more compassion for each other and understand one another’s needs.
  • Move through conflict more effectively.

 The transition to parenthood includes inevitable challenges for couples, but also profound opportunities to deepen connection. This workshop is perfect for expectant couples or parents with children ages 0-3. 


This is an online class. 


“My partner and I signed up for this class during my first pregnancy. I wasn’t sure what to expect, but I was so glad we did, we both found it incredibly helpful even before our baby came. Kate presented some of the most common patterns of conflict that arise among couples undergoing this huge and potentially stressful life transition, and some tools for how to prevent or work through these patterns of discord. It was pretty amazing how relevant it all felt to our relationship, and I found it to be comforting just to hear many of our patterns of conflict and triggers with each other described as common patterns for couples at this stage of life. Because the concepts are pretty universal in our culture, it helped us to have more compassion for each other and take things less personally. It was also helpful to hear the patterns described in language we could use afterwards to talk about what was coming up for us in a more compassionate and understanding way. We learned some really valuable tools for navigating these difficult patterns when they do arise, and we have been implementing them with success since taking the class. Of course, we still fight sometimes, but many of the big misunderstandings that came up around our shifting roles with each other and preparing to bring a child into our lives are now soooo much easier to get through and come back into a place of connection and feeling mutually supported and understood. I can only imagine how helpful this foundation will be once the baby is here.”