Bringing Baby Home 

Workshop for Couples

About the program

Bringing Baby Home is an educational program for pregnant couples and families with children up to three years of age. It was designed and created by relationship experts, Drs. John and Julie Gottman, at The Relationship Research Institute in Seattle, Washington. The goal of the program is to improve the quality of life for babies and children by strengthening the parental relationship.

The Gottman’s research demonstrates that when couples become parents, there is a significant decrease in their relationship satisfaction. In fact, approximately 2/3 of couples will experience a significant drop in relationship quality and have a dramatic increase in conflict and hostility within the first three years of becoming parents. Further research has shown that relationship discord and conflict have a profound negative effect on the couples’ infants and toddlers.



Relationship Benefits

The Bringing Baby Home Program was developed in order to support families during this challenging, transitional time. Dr. Gottman’s research shows that couples who have participated in the Program experience:

  • A significantly lower rate of postpartum mood disorders and depression
  • A decrease in relationship hostility
  • A higher level of relationship satisfaction
  • A decreased likelihood of divorce

The content of the program evolved from Dr. Gottman’s 40 years of marriage and family research and is designed to teach parents to:

  • Increase friendship in their relationship
  • Deal effectively with conflict
  • Keep dads involved in infant care and parenting
  • Improve the quality of parent–infant interaction
  • Recognize the psychological and emotional needs of their child
  • Co-Parent effectively

Upcoming Workshops

Check back under “Class” section of website for upcoming in-person workshops! If you are interested in having Bringing Baby Home at your hospital or Birth Center please contact me directly at

Check back for upcoming dates!

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